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About Us


Jessy Zhou

Founder and Director

Highly acclaimed international Belly Dance Master and Dancer.


(JZBD Bellydance Singapore)





Jessy Zhou is one of Singapore's most acclaimed Belly Dance master and dancer. she is founder and directot of Jessy Zhou Bellydance Singapore.


With the passion for dance since young, Jessy had received professional ballet and modern dance training since the age of 3. Since 1997, she has been teaching dance and undertaking choreographer’s role with different organizations. In 2008, she graduated with Diploma in Dance from the acclaimed Arts Institution NAFA (Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore). In 2009, Jessy was introduced to Belly Dance, and she was deeply captivated by this beautiful ancient middle eastern dance. From then, Jessy whole-heartedly placed all her passion and love for dance to belly dance. Jessy was fortunate to have travelled to many countries including Argentina, Korea, China and Malaysia, to learn and train with renowned International Belly Dance Stars and Masters including Saida Helou, Yamil Annum, Simona Minisini, Serkan Tutar,Shahdanna, Shanan, Antonella Rodriguez, Aaliah, Ambar, Max Daneri, Gina Chen and many more. After exploring many different belly dance styles and considering Jessy's strong dance background orginates from Ballet and Modern Dance, she ultimately decides to major in the extremely elegant and yet breath taking "Argentinian Belly Dance style".


July 2016, Specially invited as lead instructor and Professional Category Competition Judge,

by GWDB Bellydance Festival 2016, China, Shenzhen.


OCT 2015, Specially invited as Miss Belly Dance Malaysia  Competition Judge.


Nov 2015,  Interviewed by MF88.3 popular radio channel.


In 2015, Jessy was invited by ShenZhen GWDB 2015 to teach in the Belly Dance Master Workshop. She was also the judge for Professional Category Competition.


In 2014, Jessy was invited to the role of Workshop Instructor and one of the Panel of Judges by World Belly Dance Festival, Singapore.  In 2010, her group won the Top 6 Finalists in Singapore's Mediacorp Channel 5, One Moment of Glory, a very popular TV talent Show. 


In 2012, her group, SJS, clinched the Oriental and Fusion Group Champions in the 7th Nagwa Fouad International Belly Dance Competition, Seoul, becoming the first ever Singapore belly dancers to have won top accolades at an international  belly dance competition of such great scale.  Jessy also won the Asia Global Belly Dance Competition 2012 Solo category Asia Champion. And her group, SJS, won the Asia Global Belly Dance Competition 2012 Asia & Singapore Champion held in Singapore. 

​Jessy Zhou是新加坡最著名肚皮舞者,JZBD Bellydance Singapore (JZBD 东方舞国际舞蹈工作室)的创始人。从3岁起开始学习芭蕾和现代舞。 从1997年开始,Jessy在不同的舞蹈团体从事舞蹈教学和舞蹈编导工作。曾参加2001年中国中央电视台春节联欢晚会;2000年和2001年中国中央电视台春节歌舞晚会 。    2008年Jessy毕业于新加坡南洋艺术学院舞蹈专业。舞蹈学院毕业后便被那古老而又优美的东方舞蹈文化深深地吸引住了,于是她将自己所有对舞蹈的热情全部都倾注在了肚皮舞上。Jessy曾多次远赴阿根廷,韩国,马来西亚等多国寻访肚皮舞名师,她所师从的都是目前仍然活跃在国际肚皮舞界的知名舞者,其中包括Saida Helou, Yamil Annum, Simona Minisini, Serkan Tutar,Shahdanna, Shanan, Antonella Rodriguez, Aaliah, Ambar, Max Daneri, Gina Chen 等等。由于Jessy的舞蹈背景包含了芭蕾和现代,所以她最终将自己的肚皮舞风格定格为阿根廷风格肚皮舞。2014年Jessy受新加坡世界肚皮舞节邀请在舞蹈节上授课并担任比赛评委。2014年6月,Jessy远赴在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯ESCUELA DE DANZAS ARABES SAIDA学校跟随Saida老师系统学习阿根廷风格肚皮舞,在阿根廷期间Jessy还与众多阿根廷知名肚皮舞者如Shahdanna , Shanan, Antonella, Max Daneri, Aaliah, Ambar等等以及中东音乐家Mario Kirlis 进行过文化交流.

2010年 新加坡电视台第五波道-- 新加坡总统星光慈善义演 表演嘉宾


2010 年 新加坡电视台跨年晚会 表演嘉宾


2012年7月 亚洲环球肚皮舞大赛Gala Show 表演嘉宾


2014年6月   受邀新加坡肚皮舞节授课大师,比赛评委以及表演嘉宾


2014年8月   受邀中国嘉兴教授肚皮舞集训课程以及表演嘉宾


2015年3月 受邀中国深圳“GWBD第二届国际肚皮舞艺术节”授课大师,表演嘉宾,以及专业组比赛评委


2015年7月   受邀中国“舞王盛宴” 中国四大城市巡回集训营授课大师以及表演嘉宾


2015年10月  受邀马来西亚吉隆坡“Miss Belly Dance Malaysia”比赛评委以及表演嘉宾


2015年11月  接受新加坡FM88.3知名主持人美香专访


2016年7月 亚洲环球肚皮舞大赛Gala Show 表演嘉宾


2016年7月  受邀中国深圳“第三届GWBD国际肚皮舞艺术节”授课大师,表演嘉宾以及专业组比赛评委


2016年10月  受邀韩国第11届Nagua Found Cup 国际肚皮舞竞标赛,授课大师,表演嘉宾已及国际专业组比赛评委


2017年7月 受邀中国贵州安顺首届“瑾丽玛莎”国际东方舞艺术嘉年华,授课大事,专业组比赛评委,以及表演嘉宾


2017年8月 受邀台湾宝石环球东方舞嘉年华,授课大事,专业组比赛评委,以及表演嘉宾


2017年11月 受邀中国深圳“GWBD第四届国际肚皮舞艺术节”授课大师,表演嘉宾,以及专业组比赛评委


2018年10月 受邀新加坡”Yalla Top Star 2018“ 国际肚皮舞艺术节, 表演嘉宾以及比赛评委



新加坡亚洲环球肚皮舞大赛 2012

(Asia Global Belly Dance Competition 2012)

- 亚洲赛区专业个人组冠军, 新加坡赛区专业个人组冠军。

- 亚洲赛区专业团体组冠军,新加坡赛区专业团体组冠军。


 第七届韩国Nagwa Fouad 国际肚皮舞大赛 2012

 (7th Nagwa Fouad International Belly Dance Competition)

- 东方舞 & 融合风最高荣誉大奖 



新加坡新传媒第五频道才艺比赛 -- One Moment of Glory 2010, 前6强

Charis Seah

JZBD Manager

Charis has 10 years of belly dancing experience, and also enjoys learning different dance genres. She has been under the tutelage of Jessy Zhou since 2016, and is also currently the manager of JZBD. With her corporate background and sales management experience, she supports Jessy Zhou in the running of JZBD, and plays a key role in organising annual events such as JZBD’s Live to Dance gala shows, student haflas and ad-hoc projects. She also oversees JZBD's marketing and promotional activities. 

Lee Teng

JZBD Star Instructor

Lee Teng has been belly dancing for more than 10 years. She took part in the Asia Global Bellydance Competition in 2017 where she emerged Champion and took the Second runner up position in 2019 in the respective categories.

Now as a teacher of JZBD, she imparts her love for belly dance to students by patiently guiding them to build a strong technique foundation and inspires them to be a better version of themselves through learning dance.


JZBD Star Instructor

Crystal holds a Master of Education from Nanyang Technological University. She started belly dancing in 2012, and has been training under the renowned instructor Jessy Zhou. Crystal is currently a certified dance instructor at JZBD, and regularly gets 5-star reviews from her beginner students. She also upskills by attending overseas teacher training courses whenever possible, learning from esteemed instructors such as Rita, Guanshengsong, and Angella Kim. Crystal has taken part in various competitions such as D’Oriental World Dance Fiesta in 2017, where her team emerged champion.

© 2023 by Jessy Zhou Bellydance Singapore.  Supported by MediaFarm Pte Ltd

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